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This page describes how to install and configure a Sybase IQ server, version 15.0 and 15.1

Get the software

First download IQ.

For a licensed version you need to go http://sybase.subscribenet.com (account required) or to the Sybase eShop http://eshop.sybase.com/eshop/buy?id=48151

Alternatively, you can download an EBF for Sybase IQ 15 at http://downloads.sybase.com (registration required). Then click on “Sybase IQ” and download an EBF/Patch, for instance EBF16926. With an EBF/Patch you can install a full version as well.

Prepare the Operating System

Make sure that the filesystem for the Sybase software is big enough. A full installation needs approx. 850 Mb so 2 Gb should give you enough room to handle upgrades too. In this case we install the software in /opt/sybase/iq150. Database files will be stored on raw devices and in /var/sybase.

Become root and add a group "sybase" and a user "sybase" to the system. Also create the needed directories.

mkdir -p /opt/sybase
mkdir -p /var/sybase
groupadd sybase
useradd -g sybase -d /opt/sybase sybase
chown sybase:sybase /opt/sybase
chown sybase:sybase /var/sybase

Check that your operating system has the required patches and configuration settings. Look in the installation documentation at http://infocenter.sybase.com/help/topic/com.sybase.help.infocenter.iq.15.0/title.htm for detailed instructions. When you run the IQ installation, it will also check for some required packages.

Prepare the Installation

Now, switch to the newly created user:

su - sybase

You should now be in the directory /opt/sybase. Make a work directory and put the downloaded Sybase software in it.

mkdir work
mkdir iq150
cd work
<put the software in this directory>
tar -xf <software-distro>


Go into the directory with the installed software. Run the installer (for instance ./setupLinuxAMD64).


Answer the questions and install into /opt/sybase/iq150. You can select what license type you need, Licensed or Evaluation. For the licenced version you need an account at http://sybase.subscribenet.com. The evaluation license allows you to run IQ with all its features for 30 days.

To use the installar on Unix you may need to set the DISPLAY variable.

Once the installation is complete you can remove the work directory and its content.

cd ..
rm -Rf work

Setup your environment

In /opt/sybase/iq150/IQ-15_0 you will find a few files, like IQ-15_0.csh and IQ-15_0.sh. Depending on the type of shell you use, you need to source in one of these. For instance, when your default shell is bash you should do this:

. /opt/sybase/iq150/IQ-15_0/IQ-15_0.sh

Is is fairly common to activate such a script from your login script.

Create raw devices

For performance reasons you should use raw devices for the IQ Main and Temporary store. For testing purposes use 2Gb for the Main store and 1 Gb for the Temporary store. You can always add more when needed. Do not forget to chown the raw devices to the sybase user. Check if this setting is persistent after a reboot. Note: contrary to Sybase ASE behaviour, Sybase IQ will only accept raw devices and not "block special". Check the filetype with the "file" command. When needed, bind a block special device to a raw device with the "raw" command.

Start the IQ server (utility database only)

Before you can create a database the IQ server must be started with only the utility database active. Use the start_iq command, but specify the name of server as well using the -n flag. The name IQ2 is used as an example here.

start_iq -n IQ2

Create a database

Create a directory where database specific files will be stored

mkdir /var/sybase/IQ2

Create a connection to the IQ server with dbisql (Windows look and feel) or dbisqlc (very basic gui). Specify DBA as the user ID, use “sql” (lower case) as the password and “utility_db” as the name of the database. Once connected create a database with the following command:

create database '/var/sybase/IQ2/IQ2.db'
transaction log on '/var/sybase/IQ2/IQ2.log'
mirror '/var/sybase/IQ2/IQ2_mirror.log'
iq path '/var/sybase/IQ2/IQ2_01.iq'
iq size 2000
message path '/var/sybase/IQ2/IQ2.iqmsg'
temporary path '/var/sybase/IQ2/IQ2_01.iqtmp'
temporary size 1000

When the database has been successfully created, exit from dbisql or dbisqlc. Then shutdown the IQ server.


Create a configuration file

In the directory /var/sybase/IQ2 create a configuration file called params.cfg with at least the following content

-n IQ2
-iqmc 60
-iqtc 140
-x tcpip{port=4000}

This configuration file sets the name of the server, the main cache size to 60Mb, the temp cache size to 140Mb and a port number for TCP/IP traffic. Specify as much memory as you can. Sybase recommends to keep the ration between main and temp cache 3:7. Then start the database

start_iq @/var/sybase/IQ2/params.cfg /var/sybase/IQ2/IQ2.db


  • In this example the mirror of the IQ transaction log is on the same physical device at the transaction log itself. Do not create such a situation on a production system.
  • The Sybase IQ logfiles are created in the directory $IQDIR15/logfiles. Since the logfiles can become very big, its best to set the variable IQLOGDIR15 to /var/sybase/IQ2 before starting the IQ server.