Error messages from IQ

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Sybase IQ sometimes gives some confusing error messages. Here are some messages and a possible solution


Exception Thrown from db_txnInfo.cxx:690, Err# 0, tid 478 origtid 478
   O/S Err#: 0, ErrID: 1025 (db_catalogException); SQLCode: -1000011, SQLState: 'QDA11', Severity: 14
[20671]: Transaction 156593 attempted to access an object created by transaction 156608. 
-- (db_txnInfo.cxx 690)

See for a detailed discussion.


Exception Thrown from db_txnInfo.cxx:833, Err# 1, tid 143 origtid 143
   O/S Err#: 0, ErrID: 1025 (db_catalogException); SQLCode: -1000029, SQLState: 'QDA29', Severity: 14
[20689]: Cannot open the requested object for write in the current transaction (1722819).   Another user has write access in transaction 1722818. 
-- (db_txnInfo.cxx 833)

When you get this message in the IQ message file, it means that only a single session can update the same table at the same time. Although the text of the message indicates that an exception in the catalog was detected, you will see this error also for base IQ tables.

Msg 17901

Msg 17901, Level 16, State 0:
RAISERROR executed:  The userid "<user-name>" cannot be found in the User Admin tables.  See the database administrator.

Can be resolved when you run "sp_iqmodifyadmin 'enable'".